
Pentru cei care lucreaza in domeniul customer care , iata 5 lucruri pe care NU TREBUIE sa le zica niciodata :

1. A lie – this may seem an obvious one. Depicting your products and services as the right ones, when you know they aren’t is lying.

2. It’s the fault of “x” department – Assigning blame laterally will diminish the company reputation and brand in your customer’s eyes and reflect poorly on your credibility and professionalism.

3. I disagree with you – Getting friendly with the customer has its limits. This is not a chat among buddies, it is a professional conversation and you should treat it as such.

4. I don’t know what to do about that – Demonstrating or giving the perception that you are not knowledgeable about the product or service that is the subject of the inquiry can backfire.

5. It’s your fault – Blaming the customer for improper use of a product or lack of understanding of a service will take you directly to the wrong side of the conversation. Remember that it is your job to provide support.


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